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  1. MarinaTrench69

    MarinaTrench69 Amateur

    Jun 29, 2016
    **This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this book are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. This story is copyrighted*

    Happy Reading!

    It was a typical Monday, where I sat at my desk on the 17th floor, overlooking downtown Atlanta. I worked for a high-profile law firm as one of the senior paralegals. It was an okay job. I enjoyed the people I worked with. The pay was beautiful, and it didn’t hurt that I had my own office with a gorgeous view. The downside? I worked almost 90 hours a week, easily. My social life was non-existent. A relationship was damn near impossible and if you wanted to invite me to something, better catch me a month or two in advance. My Friday nights were spent in the office, and then heading home to my high-rise Atlanta apartment just in time to sleep. The only real enjoyment was my “work husband”, Robert B. Ivory, called “Ivory” by everyone who knew him. Ivory was one of the junior attorneys in the firm. I only say “junior” because he hadn’t made senior partner yet. He had been with the firm for about fourteen years, brought in some high-profile clients and had won millions of dollars in settlements. The only reason he wasn’t partner, I think, was his age. He was forty-six and I think the old heads were just mildly intimidated by him. It didn’t matter what kind of morning I was having, if Ivory was in the office, my mood instantly got better. Yes, I had a little bit of a crush on him, I can’t lie. I had one on him for years, probably since I first met him. He was charismatic, had a great sense of humor and was ambitious, yet still humble. So, what is the problem? No problem really, just a small hurdle. Ivory is white and I am black. And to make it even more cliché, my name is Ebony. As in “Ebony and Ivory”. Yeah, I laugh every time I think about that. I honestly made up in my mind that he never took a second look at me. I wasn’t ugly, but I felt that the race issue would be a problem. Ivory was like six feet tall, mildly athletic, but had a little belly, something I happened to love about him. I was five-eight, and I was plus size. I felt that I wore my weigh well, but nevertheless, I had rolls and a fupa. I had a large DD chest, and it didn’t help that I inherited my grandmother’s big ole booty. I was very much a natural plus size black woman. I did my best to try and at least get active in the gym and kept my appearance as professional as possible. I stayed in the salon and maintained a twenty-four-inch hair weave, nails and toes always done. This was the cost of working in the environment I worked in. Nevertheless, despite all of that, for me, it came down to “He is a white guy, and I am a black woman.”
    Granted in 2023, that shouldn’t be an issue, but who am I kidding? I don’t think the man sees me as anything, but a work colleague and I was way too much chicken-shit to actually approach him, especially considering, on some level, he is my boss. So, I just kept it very platonic and professional. We joked about work, sports, the “old heads” aka the partners, but not once did he ever cross the line. And I won’t lie, I wanted him to cross the line so bad. I just knew I couldn’t be the one to cross first.
    “Good morning, Ebony” Ivory said walking into my office.
    “Morning.” I smiled, looking up from my computer.
    “So I spoke to Old Man Bill over the weekend.” He said referring to Bill Robertson, one of the partners.
    “I told him flat out, if we are going to get a handle on this Weinberg case, I need to go out to the west coast and get the deposition and some other documents, in person and I wanted to try and get them to settle.”
    “Isn’t that case out in Los Angeles?” I asked.
    “Santa Barbara actually, but yeah. So, I am going to fly out there.” he said.
    “Oh wow, I guess they have been dragging their feet on this settlement issue.” I said sipping my coffee from my University of Georgia cup.
    “I need someone to go with me.” He said.
    I nodded as an email popped up on my screen.
    “Hold on one second.” I said as I started typing my response.
    “So, I told Bill to please allow me to see if you would go.” Ivory said.
    I looked at him wide-eyed.
    “Go where? Los Angeles?”
    “Yeah, we need to block off about a week.” He continued.
    “I can’t go to Los Angeles.” I said.
    I left out the ‘with you’ part.
    “Because I am working on six cases right now!”
    “Marjorie and Cheryl can take care of everything while we are away. You know I cannot take one of them.” He said.
    “They are not that bad.” I laughed.
    “They are older than my mother, I am not doing that. I need someone who is quick and on top of their game.”
    “A week though? That is a long time.” I said.
    He cocked his head to the side.
    “You know you want to go with me to L.A”
    I cracked a smile.
    “Let me see if I can afford the ticket and hotel.” I said.
    “No need, we will bill all of this to the client. First class all the way baby.” He said.
    “I don’t really have a choice?”
    “No not really, it’ll be fine. We need to leave this week though, so when we have our staff meeting, I will let Marjorie and Cheryl know.” He announced as he got out the chair.
    “And we will need to be on the first flight out, like seven in the morning” he said as he strolled over to the door.

    Four days later, I sat in the Atlanta airport, a Starbucks coffee in my hand and my purse in my lap.
    “Good morning” Ivory said walking up. He was wearing a blue Under Armor shirt and some black Under Armor sweatpants. This man completed the look with some black sock and Under Armor slides. He was comfortable.
    “Good morning.”
    “I managed to get us in first class, so we should be nice and comfortable.” He said.
    “Ivory, it’s still dark outside.” I yawned.
    “I told you that we needed to get a flight first thing in the morning.”
    “Yeah, but damn, I didn’t know you meant the butt-crack of the morning.”
    He laughed.
    “They had one at 5:53 in the morning, but it wasn’t Delta.” Ivory said sitting down.
    “So, is this the casual ‘Ivory Bulloch’ look?” I asked.
    “Oh yeah, outside of suits, this is all I pretty much own, a lot of Under Armor. I do have a couple of Yeezys though. My son is the real sneakerhead of the family.”
    “How is Ellis?” I asked referring to his sixteen-year-old son.
    “Driving me crazy, but he’s good.” Ivory said sipping his coffee.
    “Are you still going to get him a car for his birthday?”
    “Depends on his grades. I told him I am not rewarding Cs on the report card.”
    I chuckled.
    “C’s get degrees.” I said.
    “Yes, they do, but they won’t get a car, not in my house.”
    “What does your ex say about that?”
    “She is fine with it, considering she isn’t putting a dime on the car.”
    I nodded as the gate agent announced boarding will start in five minutes for our flight.
    “Are we sitting together?” I asked standing up and throwing my Starbucks cup away.
    “Yes ma’am, you have the window, and I have the aisle.”
    I gathered my things and pulled up my boarding pass on my phone.

    We made our way onto the plane, and I found my seat, put my carry-on in the compartment and grabbed my seat.
    “Oh shit.” I whispered to myself as Ivory was busy putting his bag up. A flight attendant walked by, and I stopped her.
    “Can I get an extension?” I whispered to her.
    She nodded and walked off.
    “What is an extension?” Ivory asked sitting down.
    “Extra seatbelt length.” I said shyly.
    “What do you need that for?” he asked.
    I sighed and opened my window cover.
    “Should I not have asked that?” Ivory asked.
    “No, it’s fine.” I shrugged, suddenly feeling self-conscious.
    “An extension is for big people where the regular seatbelt doesn’t fully connect around their hips or wherever.” I explained as the flight attendant walked up with the extension and handed it to me.
    “Did you try it without one?” he asked.
    “Ivory, it’s fine, just drop it, please.” I said.
    “My bad, sorry.” He said, hands up in defeat.
    I was already embarrassed enough and didn’t want to explain anymore ‘big girl’ problems to my work crush.
    Ivory leaned over and whispered, “I wasn’t trying to make you feel bad.”
    “You didn’t, its fine.” I said putting my purse on the floorboard.
    I could feel him looking at me as I tried to get myself comfortable.
    “Silent treatment now?” Ivory asked.
    “No, it’s fine, I’m just tired.” I said as I connected the extension and the seatbelt. I could tell he was watching me closely.
    “I wonder if my exes had to use extensions.” He said.
    I looked up at him.
    “Unless your exes are big women… then no, they didn’t.” I said rolling my eyes.
    “I don’t know the definition of big, but all of my exes are thick, it’s always been my preference.” He shrugged looking down at his phone.
    “Melinda was thick?” I asked about his ex-wife.
    “She is smaller now, but when we met, she was much bigger than you.” He said not looking up at me.
    I had to fix my face and hide the surprise look that I know was written all over it.
    “Oh wow.”
    “My last girlfriend, Shawna, she was plus size. I only say that because that was how she referred to herself.” He chuckled.
    “Shawna? Plus size?” I asked.
    “Yeah, every time I would take her shopping, she would insist we went to stores like Torrid or Lane Bryant. And if I bought her something online, she loved this place called ‘Adore Me’, I think that’s the name of it.”
    “Really?” I asked, my mouth gaping open.
    He nodded.
    I leaned my head on the window and took a deep breath. Was this man telling me that not only does he like big girls, but that he has possibly dated a black woman before? I could not believe what I was hearing. Maybe I didn’t hear him correctly.
    “Can I ask you something?” I whispered.
    “You can ask me anything, you know that.” He replied, looking at me.
    “Shawna…. Was she Caucasian?” I whispered, leaning in afraid I would offend him.
    Ivory made a confused look.
    “No, she was black.” He said.
    I laughed a nervous, kind of embarrassed laugh.
    “Oh” I chuckled.
    “Is that surprising?”
    “Yes sir.”
    “You don’t look like the ‘interracial’ type. You look like an All-American white guy who has a 401K, dry cleans his clothes, has all his bills on Autopay, coaches his kids’ baseball team, drives a Ford F-150 and shops at Publix.” I said not missing a beat.
    Ivory threw his head back and let out a loud laughter. The people across the aisle looked over at us as well as the people in the middle of the aisle, walking back to their seats.
    “That is hilarious. I have NEVER had someone tell me that.”
    I shrugged.
    “That’s what I thought.” I confessed.
    “Wow, you are partially right. I do use Autopay, and I do dry-clean. I don’t coach shit and you know I drive an Audi. As for Publix, ok, you have a point. Their fried chicken is amazing. Damn maybe you are right.” He said rubbing his chin.
    I laughed.
    “But ma’am, between me and you.” He said leaning in towards me. I leaned in so he could whisper.
    “I love a woman with meat on her.” He said before leaning back in his seat.
    As soon as he said those words, my pussy tingled.
    “Alright.” I said leaning back in my seat and looking out the window.
    “I’m sorry if that was too much.”
    “Definitely not too much, trust me.” I said.

    Four and a half hours later, we were landed at LAX and walking though the airport.
    “We have a driver that should have our names on a sign.” Ivory said turning his phone on.
    We waited at baggage claim for our bags to come down.
    “What hotel are we staying at?” I asked.
    “I am checking now. I had Melissa make the reservations and I am trying to see if she sent me your hotel reservation. I only told her ‘Ebony is going with me’, so who knows if she did her job correctly.” He said.
    “Oh great, so she might have me at the Holiday Inn and have you at the Ritz.” I said.
    “No, she wouldn’t do that.” He said.
    I looked at him and put my hand on my hip.
    “Yes, she would, that woman has been wanting you since the day she started.” I said looking at the carousel.
    “Too bad for her, I have my eyes on someone else.” He said under his breath.
    I made a mental note to ask him who the woman was that he had his eyes on. But this was not the time for that.
    “Here’s my bag.” I said grabbing my pink and white London Fog suitcase.
    “This is me.” Ivory announced, picking up his Burberry bag.
    “Burberry?” I asked laughing.
    “It was a gift from Shawna.” He replied.
    “Damn, she spent some money on you.”
    “We spent money on each other.”
    “So why didn’t it work?”
    “She wanted to get married, and she said she needed a spiritual leader of her home. I’m not a big church goer, sorry.” He said as he rolled his bag.
    I followed Ivory to the line of drivers who were holding signs.
    “Bulloch & Jones” the sign read.
    “Hello,” Ivory said as we walked up.
    “Good morning.” The man smiled taking our bags and opening up the Cadillac Escalade.
    “We are staying at the El Encanto Hotel” Ivory said looking at his cell phone.
    “Never heard of it.” I said as we pulled off.
    “Very very nice, up in Santa Barbara.” The driver said.
    “Oh really?” I asked.
    He nodded.
    “Ultra exclusive and very posh, I think you will be very happy there.” the driver smiled.
    “How far are we?”
    “About an hour and a half, hopefully we won’t hit traffic.” He said.
    I looked over at Ivory.
    “Spiritual leader huh?” I asked.
    “Yeah, and what’s funny is that we used to fuck our brains out on a regular basis, so that’s really religious, right?” he asked laughing.
    “Wait, she said the ‘spiritual leader’ comment during…. sex?” I asked.
    “No, just throughout our relationship.”
    “Oh wow.”
    “Is that also surprising?” he asked.
    “No, well… It is a little surprising.”
    I sat back in the seat, looking out the window while Ivory was busy answering emails and checking on his son, Ellis.
    “Is Abby home yet from school?” I asked about this nineteen-year-old daughter.
    “Next weekend, I will probably need to drive up and get her.”
    “Is she still at Vanderbilt?” I asked, confirming the school she was at.
    He nodded.
    “Yep, the gang will all be back together.” He sighed.
    “Oh, you will love it.”
    “No, I will, I miss having both at home at the same time. I’m going to take some time off and spend it with them. That’s why I want to wrap this case up now.”
    “Going on a trip?”
    “I hope to, I’m going to surprise them with something, still debating between Mexico or keep it local like Disney.”
    I nodded.
    “I have never been to Disney.” I confessed.
    He looked at me with his Tom Ford sunglasses on.
    “That is so sad, everyone should experience Disney at least once.”
    I shrugged.
    “My mom couldn’t afford it growing up and now, I don’t have time to.” I shrugged.
    “I keep telling you, you need to take some time off.” He said patting my knee.
    I looked down at his hand on my knee and had to adjust myself in the seat.
    “Oh hell, I need to remind Ellis to feed Benji.” He announced, immediately picking up his cell phone and typing out a text message.
    “You named your new dog Benji?”
    “Yeah, he is adorable too, look at these pictures.”
    “You named him after Benjamin Gates in ‘National Treasure’ didn’t you?”
    He laughed out loud again.
    “You know me so well.”
    “And I can imagine where Abby got her name from.”
    “Well, that actually was my ex-wife’s grandmother’s name.”
    I shook my head before resting it on my arm, against the door as Ivory made a phone call. e

    Two hours later, we pulled into the long driveway that led to the hotel.
    “Oh my God, this is beautiful.” I said turning around.
    “Very impressive.” Ivory said as we walked into the lobby area.
    “Hello, I’m Ivory Bulloch, checking-in.” he said to the front desk clerk.
    She started typing his name in and found his room.
    “I have a king suite for 7 nights.” She said.
    “There should be two rooms.” He said pulling out his wallet.
    She made a confused look.
    “No, I just have one reservation.”
    Ivory shook his head.
    “We made a reservation for two rooms, one for me and one for Ms. Ebony Jones.”
    The clerk started typing.
    “Oh, I see what happened.” She said.
    “Ms. Jones, I apologize, we had to cancel your reservation. Your room was double booked, and it was an error on our part.” She began to explain.
    “Ok, do you have another room, I mean, you all have some sort of compensation, right?” I asked.
    “Yes ma’am, since the error was on our end, I can upgrade you into one of our bungalows.” She said.
    I looked at Ivory.
    “Just her, or both of us?”
    “It would be both of you, I can put you in bungalow #2.” She said, still staring at the computer.
    “Wait…. Share a bungalow?” I asked.
    “Yes ma’am, I apologize, we are at full capacity, but I have a new two-bed bungalow available.” She said.
    I sighed heavily.
    “That’ll be fine, but considering the error was on the hotel’s part, we need more than a so-called upgrade where we have to share a space.” Ivory said.
    He looked over at me and then back to the front desk.
    “My colleague isn’t comfortable sharing a private space with a male co-worker and she shouldn’t have to.” He began.
    I watched him make the argument.
    “Not to mention, I am now going to have to explain to my wife back home why I am sharing a bungalow with female co-worker. I will need to speak with your hotel manager.” Ivory said.
    “Let me see what we can do, you’re right sir.” She smiled, clearly uncomfortable with the escalation.
    “Ivory.” I whispered.
    He leaned over to me.
    “With any luck, we will get this stay for free and unlimited room service.” He winked his eye at me.
    Call me a sucker, but there is nothing sexier than when a man whispers to me and winks his eye. It’s like my pussy immediately gets wet and I start thinking about what else I can do to make him wink and whisper in my ear.
    “Let me get you all situated with your bungalow, and I will get our general manager to see what we can do to accommodate you in a better fashion.”
    The concierge led us to our bungalow and opened the doors to the little hideaway tucked behind massive palm trees.
    “Oh my God.” I said walking inside.
    It was secluded, it was private, and it was huge.
    “This is your private terrace, with the scenic views.” The concierge said opening the patio doors.
    “Look at this, I could stay here forever.” I said to myself.
    “Right this way is the bedroom.” He said.
    He led us through the cozy living room with the fireplace and into a bedroom with a massive king size bed.
    “Damn.” I said.
    “This is your bathroom, complete with a soaking tub and enclosed shower.”
    The shower had a bench inside and was big enough to easily fit three people.
    “Where is the second bedroom?” I asked.
    The concierge looked confused.
    “Our bungalows are all one-bedroom ma’am.”
    “The front desk clerk said that we would be in a two-bedroom bungalow.” I informed him.
    “Unless she meant the sofa bed in the living room.” He pointed.
    Ivory leaned up against the bedroom doorway.
    “So let me get this straight, your room was canceled because the hotel overbooked, then she said she was giving us a two-bedroom bungalow, and now we are here and this is in fact, a one-bedroom bungalow?” Ivory asked.
    The concierge looked like he didn’t know what to say.
    “I need to speak with the general manager now.” Ivory said calmly.
    “I will be more than happy to take you to him.”
    “Ebony, you can come or stay here, this is yours anyway.” Ivory said.
    I could hear the annoyance in his voice.
    “I’ll stay here and let you handle it.”
    He nodded.
    “I’ll leave my suitcase here in the meantime.”
    “You have the other key?” I asked.
    “Yeah, go relax and I will be right back.”
    They walked out and I closed the front door behind them. I did my own tour of the hideaway bungalow and concluded that this was by far, the most romantic and sexiest place I had ever been to. The whole vibe of the bungalow screamed, “Come and have some private fun with your co-worker”, at least that was how I took it. I also decided then and there, I didn’t want Ivory in another room, or suite. No, I wanted to share this bungalow, this week with him, and yes, this bed- with him.

    ‘Don’t get another room.’ I texted Ivory.
    Dots appeared.
    ‘Why not?’
    ‘Plenty of space, we can make it work’ I replied.
    ‘No, they need to make it right.’
    ‘I get that, but this place is huge and honestly, I don’t want to stay in this area, all the way back here alone. I’d rather we just make this work. I will take the sofa bed if need be.’ I wrote.
    No response came, not even the dots showing that he was typing.

    I threw my phone on the bed and opened my suitcase. I figured I would go ahead and unpack and just get myself comfortable.
    I sat down on the sofa in the living room with my laptop, checking emails when Ivory came walking in.
    “Hey.” He said.
    “Hey, how did it go?”
    “I spoke with the general manager who apologized profusely. He went ahead and comped our stay and gave me the unlimited room service that I requested.”
    I laughed.
    “Always the negotiator.” I smiled.
    “Of course, they need to do something, this is ridiculous. Imagine if we didn’t like each other.” Ivory said.
    “Who said we did like each other?” I asked laughing.
    “I like you; I thought you liked me.” He said.
    He sat on the sofa next to me.
    “I saw your text.” He announced.
    “Look at where this place is…. I mean, it is so secluded, I don’t want to be here by myself.”
    Ivory put his arm around me playfully.
    “You’re scared?” he asked pulling me towards him.
    “Yes, besides, we can figure something out.” I told him.
    “I’m not having you sleep on the couch.” He said.
    “I’m not having you sleep on the couch either.” I said being flirtatious.
    He laughed.
    “Well then what shall we do?” he asked looking at me.
    I looked him in his eyes and down to his lips. They weren’t super big or anything, but they were nice, I wanted to kiss him, right then and there. We just stared at each other for what felt like hours, when in fact, it was closer to a mere few seconds.
    “Maybe the better question is… what do you want us to do?” Ivory asked as his cell phone rung, ending the moment.
    “Oh, its Abby. Let me take this outside.” he said getting up as I closed my laptop and walked into the bedroom.
    I grabbed my change of clothes and headed into the bathroom, turning the shower on. I peeked out and saw Ivory sitting on the patio couch, still on the phone. Whatever it is that I wanted to do, it would have to wait. Or so I thought.

    I walked in the bathroom and turned the shower on full blast, hot, removing first my jeans, my tank top, my black lace bra and my matching panties. I stood in the mirror butt naked, looking at my body. My DD breasts were firm, nipples erect, my pussy was bare, following the Brazilian wax I received a couple of days earlier. I brushed my hair and put my ponytail on top of my head.
    “Hey, are you already in the shower?” Ivory asked, knocking on the door.
    “Not yet, what’s wrong?” I asked.
    “I have to use the bathroom.” He said, sounding like he was in agony.
    I grabbed the robe that hung on the back of the door and put it on.
    “Come in.” I said opening the door.
    “Are you sure? i will be quick, sorry.”
    “No problem, the water closet has a separate door.” I pointed.
    “Oh good, I can see you love a good hot shower.” Ivory said as steam poured from the glass shower.
    “Yes, I do.”
    He went inside and shut the door. I opened my robe and removed it, hanging it back on the door and stepping into the shower, closing the glass door behind me.
    The steam was so strong, I was sure Ivory wouldn’t be able to see me. I certainly couldn’t see out of the shower into the bathroom.
    I ignored the fact that Ivory was a few feet away, his dick out and in his hand as I grabbed my African fish net, pouring Dove bodywash on it I grabbed the removable shower hose and immediately turned the shower head on my inner thighs and my pussy. The hot water felt like little tickles all over my bare pussy. I jumped, but it felt so good, I left it there for a moment, forgetting that Ivory was just outside the shower, just for a split second. I watered down my back, under my arms and over my breasts. I squeezed the left one as the water poured over me before I sat the shower hose back into its holder. I started with my arms, washing the left and then the right. I washed my neck, moving the net around the front and back, scrubbing my shoulders and twisting it to wash my back. It felt so good to get all the soap and exfoliate my skin as the water rinsed me off. I ran the net over my breasts, lifting each one to give it a good clean. As I turned to face the shower, out the corner of my eye, I saw Ivory standing there, watching me.
    “Oh shit, Ebony, I am so sorry.” He said quickly turning away.
    I smiled to myself but said nothing.
    I grabbed my washcloth, lathered it up, my eyes still watching him as he watched me.
    “Don’t be.” I said.
    Ivory still stood there watching, I could see the wheels spinning in his brain.
    “Should I leave?” He asked slowly moving towards the shower.
    I stood up, the water rinsing all the soap off me, revealing my fully nude body.
    “Do you want to leave?” I asked.
    He rubbed his chin and the back of his head.
    “No, I don’t”
    “You want to join me or just watch?” I asked, giving him the option.
    “Do you want me to join you?”
    I smiled, there he went again, answering a question with a question.
    “Yes, I do.” I said, pushing the shower door open.
    He seemed to pause for a moment before taking his blue Under Armor shirt off, throwing it on the floor, took his cell phone out of the pocket and sat it on the counter, pulled his black sweatpants off, peeled off his socks and walked over, and stepped in.
    I looked at him up and down. I noticed all six tattoos he had on his body, I looked into his brown eyes, licking, and biting my bottom lip.
    “Nervous?” I asked.
    “No, not at all, you?” He said just above a whisper.
    “A little.” I confessed.
    I smiled as I handed him the washcloth.
    “Tell me what you want me to do.” he asked, looking down on my naked body.
    I swallowed hard before I spoke again.
    “Wash me, down there.” I said before squeezing more body wash onto the rag.
    I grabbed the wooden shower bench and moved it closer before sitting down on it, I lay back on the bench, my head falling off the edge.
    “Sit down right there.” I pointed.
    He sat down on the edge of the opposite end. I slowly bent my knees and spread my legs open, resting one leg on his right shoulder. He got the hint. There was no denying what I was trying to do.
    Ivory moved himself, positioned in between my legs and took the shower hose from its holder, sprayed water over my pussy, before laying the hose on the shower floor.
    “You shaved?” He asked.
    “No, I got waxed.” I said as I felt his fingers graze over my pussy.
    I jumped a little at his touch.
    “I love it waxed.” Ivory said softly as he touched me.
    I made a sound.
    “Yeah.” I said lifting my head to see his eyes roam over my body.
    He softly opened my pussy lips, and I could hear the sharp intake of air.
    “Oh my God.” I whispered as he began rubbing the rag over the left pussy lip, and then the right pussy lip. He spread my lips open and meticulously washed inside the folds, around my clitoris. A soft moan escaped my mouth as he rinsed my pussy off before bending down to smell it.
    “All good?” I asked.
    “Very good.” He said looking at me and then down to my breasts.
    I moved my leg off his shoulder, to get up.
    “Turn over.” Ivory said.
    “What?” I asked, taken aback.
    “Turn over, let me do the other side.” He commanded.
    I flipped over on the bench, laying on my stomach.
    “No, straddle the bench and bend over.” He said.
    I did as I was told, my ass now fully on display right in front of him. He grabbed a second rag and the shower hose. He rinsed my ass off before putting soap on the rag.
    “Are you ok?” he asked.
    “Yeah.” I said, a little intimidated by how exposed I was now.
    Ivory spread my ass cheeks open and ran the rag down the crack of my ass.
    “Oh shit.” I said in a slight moan.
    “I won’t hurt you.” He said, giving me reassurance.
    I smiled to myself as he began washing the inside of my ass, gentle as he poked my asshole. He grabbed the shower hose and rinsed it off.
    I stood up in front of him as he wrung the rags dry.
    “Let me do you.” I said pulling him up.
    I grabbed a rag and the bar of soap, getting it wet in my hands before I bent down and sat on the bench, directly in front of his dick.
    Now, I am not sure what I was expecting. I had never been with a white man before- ever. And every porn video I saw, the white men were always much smaller than the black guys. I sat there looking at Ivory’s dick and I didn’t know if I was surprised or just intrigued. He was a good eight inches, which was surprising, but I think I was expecting much smaller. He even had a slight curve to it. I had the rag in one hand and the bar of soap in another, and all I could do was stare for a moment. How the hell was he keeping this thing a secret in all the years I had known him?
    “You ok?” he asked, looking down at me.
    I looked up and smiled.
    “I’m good.” Was all I could say as I used my right hand to grab the shaft. I washed his dick with my hands, reached under and massaged his balls with my soapy hands as well.
    “Oh fuck.” I heard Ivory say, his head thrown back and his eyes closed.
    I rinsed his dick off, slightly jerking it as I rinsed.
    “Fuck, that feels good.” He said.
    I smiled as I looked up at him, seeing his eyes still closed. I looked at his dick, the veins pulsating in my hand. I couldn’t help it; it was now or never. And since the day I met him, when he was sitting back in his office chair- I’ve wanted to do this.
    I brought it closer to my mouth, kissing the tip as I slide it in my mouth, twirling my tongue around the tip, tasting the mixture of pre-cum and bodywash remnants. Ivory’s eyes shot open, his mouth gaped open, realizing he was inside my mouth, and I was sucking him off in the shower. In that moment, I felt like the most powerful woman in the world. The moans that escaped his mouth were turning me on in ways, I hadn’t felt in a long time.
    Just as I was finding a groove, his cell phone started playing the familiar ringtone I have heard many times before.
    ‘Call from Ellis.’ The phone announced.
    His son was calling.
    We both jumped as he jerked back, his dick yanked out of my mouth.
    “I….I better get that.” He stuttered and out of breath.
    I nodded and stood up.
    He hurried out of the shower, grabbed his cell phone and a towel, before rushing out of the bathroom.
    “Fuck.” I said to myself as I turned the shower off, my pussy juices dripping down my legs. I grabbed a towel, wrapped it around my body. It barely covered my breasts and if I bent over, my entire ass would be exposed.
    Ivory stood by the window talking to his son, while I grabbed my lotion and body spray out of my bag. He never took his eyes off me, all the while negotiating with his son. I walked into the bathroom and lotioned up. I had to laugh to myself as I put on an oversized t-shirt. I thought, ‘Just as we were about to get it going, his cell phone rings. As if the universe was saying “Not so fast.”
    “Great timing Ellis.” I said sarcastically, under my breath, as I began washing my face, I could hear Ivory finishing up his phone call with his son.
    “You in there?” Ivory asked knocking on the door.
    “Yeah, just washing my face. I’ll be out in a minute.” I said.
    I could sense him still standing there, probably unsure of what to say.
    I walked into the bedroom and found it empty. I looked out on the patio and found Ivory sitting down, still wrapped in a towel.
    “You ok?” I asked.
    He looked up at me and sighed, cracking a smile.
    “No, that was…”
    I walked over to him and began to sit on the sofa next to him.
    “No, come here.” He said taking my arm.
    He led me in front of him.
    “Sit here.” He said patting his lap.
    I straddled his lap, my bare ass exposed in the oversize t-shirt as I wrapped my arms around his neck.
    “I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time.” He said rubbing my ass.
    “Do what?” I asked.
    He leaned in and planted his lips on mine, his tongue sliding into my mouth. It was intoxicating. His tongue was so soft as his hands roamed my body under the t-shirt. I ran my hands through his wet hair, gently tugging on it. He pulled my shirt over my head, and I immediately tried to shield my breasts.
    “No, don’t.” He said pulling my arms down.

    Ivory started kissing my neck, licking a trail around my collarbone and then down my sternum.
    “Take me to the bedroom.” I whispered.
    He nodded as I got up, pulling him up with me. We walked into the bedroom, where I climbed back on the bed, not taking my eyes off his.
    “Are you sure?” he asked.
    I looked in his eyes as I unwrapped his towel, his dick springing free. He climbed on the bed, hovering over me, kissing my lips and my neck. I reached down and stroked his throbbing dick in my hand.
    “Put it in me.” I said.
    He smiled and lined his dick up with my pussy hole. He pushed inside me, and it made me inhale a sharp breath.
    “Oh fuck” I said as he pushed all his inches inside me.
    I bent my legs in the air, allowing him to penetrate me deeper. He picked up the pace and began thrusting faster and faster inside me.
    “Fuck, this pussy is so good.” He said in my ear.
    “Fuck me harder.” I said as he bit my neck.
    Ivory sat up, holding my legs open like a V and began pounding my pussy with such force, the headboard was knocking on the wall.
    “OH SHIT” I yelled as I grabbed hold to the covers.
    “Play with it.” He commanded as he spit on my clit.
    Feeling his cold spit hit me turned me on in ways I couldn’t described. I took my hand and started rubbing my clit as he stretched my pussy with his massive dick.
    “That’s it, just like that.” He said in a low groan.
    I rubbed faster as I felt an orgasm about to overtake my body.
    “Don’t stop baby.” I pleaded.
    “Make that pussy cum for me.” he said as I rubbed my clit, contracted my pussy muscles around his dick.
    I could hear the sounds my pussy was making as I rubbed my engorged clit and was getting fucked.
    “I’m about to cum.” I said, almost crying.
    “Cum on it baby.” Ivory said.
    “Fuuuuccccckkkk” I said as he dropped my leg and wrapped his hand around my neck, squeezing and choking me.
    “Fuck, I’m about to nut.” He said squeezing harder.
    I couldn’t rub my clit anymore as he choked me. I grabbed his arm, trying to loosen his grip. Ivory’s eyes were rolled to the back of his head as he thrust in and out of me.
    “Shit baby.” I whispered feeling my orgasm coming and overtaking.
    “YESSSSSSSS” I yelled as I creamed all over his dick.
    “I’m close, if you want me to pull out, tell me now.” He said through gritted teeth.
    “Cum in me.” I said without any hesitation.
    He smiled just as his body jerked and I felt the hot cum shoot inside me.
    “Don’t move.” He said out of breath, two more jerks.
    I realized I was holding my breath as he came deep inside my pussy walls.
    “Oh fuck.” He said kissing me.
    He pulled out of me and collapsed on the bed next to me, both of us completely out of breath.

    I woke up the next morning, blinking my eyes open. The room was still dark. I turned and read the “5:04” time on the clock. Ivory’s arm was draped over me, and he was softly snoring, his nose nuzzled in my messed-up hair. I slid out of bed and headed into the bathroom. My legs were wobbly when I stood up and my inner thighs were wet and sticky. I had to take a shower before I could do anything else. I rubbed my eyes and stumbled into the bathroom, closing the door and turning the shower light on as I started the water, brushing and tying my hair into a ponytail. I stepped in the shower and sat on the bench, letting the water pound on my back. I put my head in hands and exhaled.
    What the hell have I done? Ivory was my colleague, and by all accounts, my boss. I was never that woman that would get physical with someone she worked with, let alone someone in a senior position. But man, I fucking enjoyed it.
    I was busy kicking myself emotionally there in the shower when the glass door opened, and Ivory stepped in. I let the water run down me as he came up behind me.
    “You ok?” he asked kissing the back of my neck.
    “Just having some second thoughts.”
    “Why? You didn’t enjoy it?” he asked, turning me around.
    “Fuck yeah I enjoyed it.”
    “I’ve been wanting to do this for a while.”
    “Really?” I asked.
    “Hell yeah, but I figured you probably weren’t into white guys.”
    While he talked, my eyes stared at his lips, I loved those lips. My eyes wondered down to his dick, water trickling off the tip.
    “That shit was so good.” He confessed.
    I smiled as he looked at me up and down, before grabbing and rubbing my breasts.
    “I’m too sore.” I confessed.
    “I’ll be gentle.”
    He turned me around and bent me over. He shut the shower off. I braced one leg on the bench as he slid his dick into me, grabbing hold of my waist as he started easing his dick in and out of my pussy. I closed my eyes as he stretched my walls, his stroke rocking me back and forth.
    “Shit.” He whispered.
    “Right there baby.” I said as he found my spot.
    “Fuck, I’m about to cum.” He said.
    My eyes got big as I turned to look at him over my shoulder.
    “Already?” I asked.
    He cracked a smile as he picked up the pace, slamming his dick into me, his balls hitting my ass.
    “Fuccckkkk” he yelled as he released his cum.
    “You came quickly.” I said as he pulled out of me.
    “Morning nut is always the quickest. I had to get that one out. I almost woke you up and fucked you again, but you were sound asleep.”
    He turned the shower on as I stood up, his cum still dripping out of my pussy.

    “We have to do some work while we are here.” I announced as I buttoned my blouse.
    “We will, I think I should have rented a car, maybe a convertible.” He said as he put his cufflinks on.
    I looked at him.
    “I mean, the weather is nice and all, but black women, we don’t do convertibles or open top cars.” I laughed.
    “Because we don’t want our hair all over our head looking crazy.” I told him as I tucked the blouse into my pencil skirt.
    He shrugged.
    “I mean, your hair looked crazy last night, and you didn’t say anything.” He shrugged.
    “Sex hair is one thing, but car hair… no sir.”
    “Oh ok then, well, I guess we can just get an Uber.” He said.
    I grabbed my phone and ordered an Uber Black SUV.
    “We need to leave in about fifteen minutes.” I said as I sprayed some perfume on and grabbed my necklace.
    “The opposing counsel is expecting us, I asked that we meet for breakfast, I worked up quite the appetite.” Ivory said.
    I looked at him as he winked at me.
    “You look beautiful by the way.” He said eyeing me up and down.
    “Thanks.” I smiled.
    “One thing though, do you mind?” he asked, walking up to me.
    He hiked my skirt up and squatted down.
    “Don’t start Ivory.” I pleaded.
    He slid his hands up my thigh, encircled his fingers in my underwear and pulled them down.
    “Ivory!” I exclaimed.
    “Calm down.” He said carefully folding the red satin panties and putting them in his pocket.
    “Much better.” He sighed, standing up.
    He grabbed his suit jacket, briefcase, and hotel room key. I grabbed my messenger bag and put my heels on.
    “I love when you wear those by the way.” He said as we walked out the bungalow.

    We arrived at the restaurant, SB Sunshine Café, and met with a man named Greg and his secretary, Natasha. Natasha was a beautiful brunette, with blue eyes, a perfect California tan and large perky breasts. I smiled, looking at her up and down. This looked like the type of woman a guy like Ivory would be with.
    “So glad you both could made it.” Greg said shaking our hands as we sat down.

    Two hours later and the table was cleared of our breakfast plates.
    “You can do the deposition tomorrow in our conference room. I will present this settlement offer to my client and see what they say.” Greg said to Ivory.
    “Is this your first time in Santa Barbara?” Natasha asked Ivory.
    “Yes, for me, what about you Ebony?” Ivory asked.
    “Likewise, yes” I smiled.
    Natasha looked Ivory up and down, licking her filler injected lips.
    “I can show you around, if you would like.” She smiled to Ivory.
    He cleared his throat as I looked at him blushing.
    “Well, that would be nice, but we…. have a lot of work to catch up on.” Ivory said, his hand rubbing my thigh under the table, hidden behind the white tablecloth.
    “Nonsense! The two of you need to enjoy some downtime.” Greg said sipping his iced tea.
    “Oh, I am sure we will, right Ebony?” Ivory asked, as his hand moved in between my legs, forcing me to open them ever so slightly.
    “I can take you to some of the local attractions.” Natasha said.
    “Oh wow, a personal tour guide.” I said, a little too excited.
    “You look like a guy that works out.” She continued, touching his arm.
    “I do what I can.” Ivory said, his fingers grazing over my pussy lips. I jumped, clearing my throat, trying to play it off.
    “It’s working.” Natasha smiled.
    I cleared my throat, trying to mask the excitement that was building under the table.
    Greg clearly didn’t pay any attention to the flirtations of his secretary towards another professional, nor the finger play that Ivory was giving me under the table. I didn’t care what Natasha was talking about as I felt Ivory’s finger enter my lips. I knew he could feel how wet I was getting, and I think he was enjoying making me squirm.
    “Tell you what, let’s finish this case first and I will be happy to go on a Santa Barbara tour.” Ivory smiled as he removed his hand, grabbed a breakfast potato, and put it in his mouth, licking the same fingers that were just on me.
    I smiled as well looking at Natasha who was positively beaming.
    “Sounds like a plan!” she said.
    “Man, these things are good.” Ivory said as he ate with fingers, licking them after every bite. I looked over and saw Natasha watching him like a hawk. I know she was turned on too. Too bad, only one of us was going back to the hotel with him.
    “Tomorrow let’s do eleven. Does that work?” Greg asked.
    “Works for me.” Ivory said as I put the appointment in my cellphone.
    “Perfect, well, let’s get going.” Greg said to Natasha.
    She stood up and shook Ivory’s hand, gave me a smile and they walked away.
    “Wow.” I said under my breath.
    “Are you ready to go?” Ivory asked.
    “Yes sir.” I said bending down to get my bag before walking out toward our waiting Uber.

    We sat in the backseat of our Uber SUV and headed back to the hotel.
    “Why are you so quiet?” Ivory asked.
    “No reason, just reading emails and trying to coordinate with Marjorie.” I lied.
    Truth was, I didn’t have anything to talk about, just wanted to be quiet with my thoughts. The last twenty hours had been a whirlwind and watching Natasha flirt her little ass off with Ivory, made me a little jealous. I will admit.

    We walked back into the bungalow, the room had been freshened up, the bed made, and I saw vacuum lines in the carpet.
    “Why don’t we go out for dinner tonight, just get out of this room and go somewhere nice?” Ivory suggested.
    “Ok.” I shrugged.
    “A date.” he said.
    I stopped in my tracks and turned to look at him.
    “A date?” I asked.
    “Yes, a date. So…. Be ready by seven.”
    “Ummm ok.”
    He walked up to me, put his hand on my shoulder, moving my hair off my neck as he leaned into my ear.
    “And please, don’t wear any panties.” He whispered.
    He walked off into the living room, took a seat on the couch as I headed off into the bedroom. I kicked my heels off, took my clothes off and carefully hung them up in the closet. I stood at the patio doors butt naked. I looked at the trees and flowers blowing in the wind and decided to open the French doors, letting some fresh air in. It was secluded back there, and I was free to walk around completely nude if I wanted to. The breeze flew in strong once I opened the second French door, slamming the bedroom door shut.
    I stood on the patio, letting the wind and the California sunshine kiss my body. My nipples got hard from the breeze blowing, and the wetness that formed between my legs suddenly felt cool because of the wind. This what happens when you get a Brazilian wax, I thought to myself.
    “Everything….” I heard Ivory come in the bedroom.
    “Hey, sorry, the wind slammed the bedroom door closed.” I said walking back in the bedroom.
    “Now that is a view I could get used to seeing.” He said wrapping his arms around my waist pulling me in for a kiss.
    “I better get dressed.” I said trying to break away.
    “No, don’t,” Ivory said taking his shirt and pants off. As soon as he removed his briefs, his dick sprang up. My stomach dropped with anticipation. He removed his dress socks and threw them in a pile on the floor.
    “So, about Natasha.” He said walking up to me.
    “What about her?” I sighed.
    He cracked a smile.
    “You were getting a little jealous, weren’t you?”
    I cleared my throat.
    “Not at all.” I lied.
    “Not even a little?” he asked bending down to kiss my neck.
    “Not even a little.”
    He nudged me, causing me to fall back on the bed. I scooted back towards the headboard as he climbed on the bed.
    He gave me a devilish grin as he kissed up my leg, up to my knee.
    “She was cute.” He said.
    “Cute like, you would go out with her and get a personal tour guide?” I asked.
    “Yeah, I would let her show me all around Santa Barbara.” He said kissing up my thigh.
    “Ok…then you should call her.” I said looking down at him.
    “Think so?”
    “Yeah, since you like her.” I told him softly as he pushed my legs open.
    “Think she would be open to going out with me?”
    I sucked my teeth.
    “Of course, she would Ivory, if Greg and I weren’t there, she would have happily sat on your lap like you were Santa.” I snapped.
    “And how would that have made you feel?” he asked, slithering his tongue up my inner thigh.
    I inhaled sharply.
    “Tell me.” He whispered.
    A moan escaped my mouth.
    “Stop playing, please.” I begged.
    He looked up at me and said, “Tell me how you would feel, and I will stop playing.”
    “I wouldn’t want you to go.” I said faintly.
    “And why not?”
    “Because I don’t want to share you on this trip.” I confessed.
    “Oh, but you’ll share me when we get back to Atlanta?” he asked.
    I looked down at him, our eyes locked on each other.
    “I didn’t say that.” I said through gritted teeth.
    “Are you sure you don’t want to share me in Atlanta too?” he asked before diving tongue first.
    I started panting out of control, grabbing the sheets as Ivory flicked his tongue across my pussy.
    “Ooooohhhhh shit” I moaned.
    He used his fingers and opened my pussy lips, revealing my perfectly glistening clit. He flicked his tongue on my clit and my breathing started getting shallow.
    “You like that?” he asked.
    I nodded my head aggressively.
    “I can’t hear you.” He said kissing my clit.
    “Yes, I like it.” I said out of breath.
    “Do I get all of Ebony?” he asked.
    “Do I get 100% out of you on this trip or are you going to hold back?”
    My eyes opened and I looked at the ceiling as Ivory inserted two fingers into my wanting pussy.
    “I’ll give you whatever you want, just eat.” I said.
    He winked at me, moved his body squarely in between my legs and he devoured me.
    Ivory licked my pussy from top to bottom and then French kissed my clit, first tickling me a little and then flickering his tongue right on the tip. It drove me insane.
    “I’m sorry.” He whispered as he gently kissed my clit.
    “For what?”
    “Making you jealous.” He said.
    “If you really mean it, stick your tongue in my pussy and tongue fuck me.” I commanded.
    He pushed my legs up, spreading them wide before he darted his tongue in my pussy hole. I grabbed the back of his head and pushed it in deeper.
    “Don’t stop baby…. Please don’t stop.” I moaned.
    He kept tongue fucking me, making my legs shake as I grabbed my breasts, squeezing them together, pinching my nipples. He went faster as I felt an orgasm creeping up.
    “Oh fuck, don’t…. stop…. SHIT!!!” I yelled as Ivory reached up and began rubbing my clit with his thumb.
    “I’m about to cum.” I said grabbing his hair and holding his head right there in my pussy.
    Ivory decided to turn things up a notch and began rigorously shaking his head in my pussy, his tongue moving from side to side in my pussy hole and his thumb rubbing on my clit at warp speed.
    “YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS” I heard myself scream as I creamed all over his tongue, my body jerking as I came so hard, my eyes saw spots.
    Ivory didn’t stop until I begged him.
    “Please baby.” I said.
    He sat up, licked his lips, then licked his thumb.
    “Be ready at seven, I have some emails to answer.” He said.
    I laid on the bed, still staring at the ceiling, it felt like the room was spinning. I had no idea Ivory could eat pussy that well. Was I in love?

    I woke up three hours later, the room was quiet, and I found myself in the bed alone. I checked the clock and it read “5:48”. I jumped up and hopped in the shower, taking a quick shower and trying to get ready by seven o’clock.
    “Hey, I decided to rent a car after all, I don’t like other people driving me.” Ivory said as he walked into the bedroom.
    “What kind of car did you get?”
    “It’s a surprise.” He said.
    I fingered my hair, sprayed some perfume and put my heels on.
    “Did you remember my request?” he asked.
    “Yes” I said as we walked out to the BMW convertible that sat outside.
    “Don’t freak out, it has a hard top, but I am just asking you to try it out, the restaurant is less than twenty minutes from here and this weather is perfect convertible weather. Please?” he pleaded.
    He opened my passenger door, allowing me to climb in.
    “Very nice.” I said putting my seatbelt on and grabbing my sunglasses.
    We arrived the restaurant, The Stonehouse, and were led to our patio table.
    “Wow, this is nice.” I said looking around.
    “Greg recommended this place.”
    “Greg? You told the opposing counsel that you were taking me on a date?” I asked.
    “No, I just asked for a nice restaurant.”
    “At some point, we have to discuss how we will handle things once we return to the real world.” I said.
    Ivory shook his head.
    “We have a four-hour plane ride, we can discuss it then, until then, let’s enjoy this trip, we will have fun, we fuck the shit out of each other, and we get this case settled.” He said, making me crack a smile.
    “You up for a walk out on the beach after this?” he asked while the waiter brought a bottle of wine.
    “Sure.” I said moving my hair to one side of my neck.
    “That neck… hope I didn’t choke you too hard.”
    “Not too bad.”
    “I had a feeling you liked being choked, you seem like you like it rough.”
    I almost spit my wine out.
    “I want all three before we go back.”
    “All three what?”
    He cocked his head to the side.
    “You’ll see.”

    We found a nearby beach and started walking out on the sand. I removed my wedge heels and carried them as Ivory held his mystery bag.
    “How about here?” I asked, pointing to a boulder that was off to the side.
    “That’s fine with me.”
    We walked over and Ivory pulled out a blanket, laid it out and allowed me to sit down.
    “This is nice, a bit hidden from view.” He commented.
    I looked around, no one was in sight of us. The only real sounds were from a fair much further down the beach and the sound of the waves from the ocean. We were pretty much alone and in a private space.
    “You look like you have something on your mind.” I said as Ivory leaned up against the smooth edge of the boulder.
    He leaned in, turned my head, and kissed me. His tongue still had the taste of Merlot on it. I savored how soft his lips were. I had three glasses of wine with my dinner, so I knew I was feeling extra loose in that moment.
    “Lay down.” I said.
    I straddled him and kissed his neck and lips as he pulled my dress up, exposing my bare ass as he rubbed and squeezed it.
    “You taste so good.” He said as I pulled his polo shirt out of his pants and undid his belt.
    “Ms. Jones….” He said as I unbuttoned and unzipped his pants.
    I took his dick out and stroked it in my hand.
    “Oh shit.” He said as I kissed the tip.
    “Shh.” I said moving up to kiss his lips.
    I moved back down and went back to kissing the mushroom tip, licking around the head. I could hear Ivory inhale a sharp breath as I slid his dick into my mouth. I closed my eyes and sucked him nice and slow, just the way I always imagined doing it. I moved my head around and up and down the shaft, I licked the sides, starting at the base and ran my tongue all the way up to the tip. I pulled his pants and briefs down, making him lift his hips as I pulled. I reinserted his dick, savoring the flavor of my saliva and the wine mixture that was still on my tongue.
    “Fuck baby.” I heard him whisper as I moved in between his legs for a better angle.
    I grabbed his dick with both hands and started sucking harder and faster. I twirled my hands around his dick as I worked my tongue on the tip.
    “Oh fuuuuucccckkkk” he groaned.
    I went deeper, letting his tip hit the back of my throat, my saliva dripping down the sides of his dick. I scooped up the spit with my hands and began jerking him off, giving my mouth a break. My pussy was slurping the more I played with his dick. The breeze felt so good blowing on my pussy lips as I was bent over, sucking Ivory’s dick. My pussy was still exposed as my dress was up around my waist. As I continued sucking his dick, I reached under and massaged his balls gently.
    “Shit… oh shit, oh shit, oh shit.” He moaned over and over.
    I smiled as I worked my head up and down, his balls in my hand, his dick twitching in my mouth. I removed his dick from my mouth and licked on his left ball, my spit dripping out on to it, I opened my mouth and gently put his ball inside, still stroking his dick with my hand. I moved over to his right ball, inserting it in my mouth, massaging it with my tongue.
    “I’m about….” he said, his breathing erratic.
    I played with and licked his balls a little more before I dared to go there. I moved down a little more, my tongue stroking his “hallway”, the area between the balls and his ass.
    “I’m…. oh fuck, I’m about to cum.”
    I went back to sucking his dick, no hands this time, only my mouth and head working to bring him the ultimate pleasure.
    I closed my eyes and started playing with my pussy, rubbing my clit as his dick was pulsating in my mouth.
    “Oh. Shit.” Was all he managed to say as his shot his load of cum deep in my mouth. I didn’t stop sucking. I wanted every drop, of his cum, right there on my tongue. When I was done torturing him, I sat up and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand.
    “Holy fuck.” He breathed.
    I smiled laid down next to him. Both of us, on our backs, staring up at the California night sky.
    “That was fucking mind blowing.” Ivory said.
    I kept silent as he rolled on his side, his dick still hard.
    “Come here.”
    I rolled onto my side facing him.
    “Get on top.” He ordered.
    I froze. Being on top was my least favorite position as a big woman.
    “Don’t make me repeat myself.”
    I sat up and straddled him as he pushed my dress up. I reached down and held his dick, aiming his dick against my pussyhole. I pushed myself on it, letting his dick fill me up.
    “Oh God.” I said, closing my eyes, Ivory’s hands rubbing my thighs.
    “Close your eyes and do whatever feels good.” Ivory said.
    I slowly wined my hips, throwing my head back, my eyes opening and seeing stars, literal stars in the sky.
    Ivory reached up, pulling the top of my halter top dress down, revealing my strapless bra. I reached around and unsnapped the bra, letting my breasts free. I braced myself on Ivory’s chest as I gyrated my hips, his dick hitting all the sensitive spots of my pussy.
    “Go ahead baby…. Ride your dick.” Ivory said.
    Hearing him say the word “your” was all I needed to hear. I moved faster, my breasts dangling on Ivory’s forehead as I leaned forward. I kissed him, slipping my tongue in his mouth, his hands rubbing my ass.
    “How long have you been wanting to fuck me?” he asked.
    “Since I met you.” I confessed.
    “Did you play with your pussy thinking about me?”
    “Did you play with your pussy thinking about riding me?” he asked.
    “All the time.” I said moving faster.
    I sat up, his hands all over the front of my partially naked body.
    “Damn, you are beautiful.” He said pinching my nipples.
    I felt an orgasm coming. My pussy was dripping on the sides of Ivory’s dick, down my inner thigh.
    “Oh fuck.” I said as Ivory began rubbing my clit. I leaned back, resting on my hands, exposing my clit even more.
    “Don’t stop.” I said.
    He found my weak spot. I loved having my pussy filled up and my clit rubbed at the same time. It was something about my pussy contracting on a stiff dick that drove me crazy. In that moment, I forgot I was a big girl. I forgot I was self-conscious. The only thing that mattered was me being able to cum and explode on Ivory’s dick.
    “I’m cumming. I’m cumming. I’m so fucking cumming.” I said as I felt the explosion inside of me.

    It was about five more minutes of me still riding Ivory. I couldn’t move. My pussy pulsated with his dick still inside me. I opened my eyes, allowing them to get used to the darkness. Ivory’s hands were still rubbing my thighs and ass.
    “Are you ok? Did I hurt you?” I asked.
    “I am perfect.” Was all he said.
    I got off him slowly, easing his dick out of me.
    “We better get going.” I said tying my halter top.
    “I gotta give it to you.” Ivory said as he tucked his saturated dick back in his pants pocket.
    “You are insatiable. I had no idea.” He said buttoning his shirt.
    “I had no idea we would be so good together.” I said grabbing my bra and shoes.
    “Me either, I knew I wanted to try, but I had no idea it would be like this.”
    He shook out the blanket and folded it up.
    “Any second thoughts now?” he asked.
    “Not on my end, you?”
    “Hell no, I have never had sex like this. And I never would have known you were such…”
    I cut him off.
    “Such what?”
    He moved in closer, his thumb on my chin as he titled my head up.
    “Such a delicious meal.” He said leaning in and kissing me softly before grabbing my hand and leading me back to the car.

    The next morning, I awoke to it still being dark. I looked at the clock and it was just after six in the morning. We had about five hours before we needed to be at the firm. I turned over to find Ivory sleep on his back, snoring softly. I reached under the covers, my hand finding its way to his dick. I stroked it gently, coaxing it to life. Ivory moaned a little, still sleep, but slowly waking up. I moved under the covers, slithering down to his thigh. I moved in between his legs and slid his dick into my mouth. Surprisingly, it still had a little leftover mango flavor from the lube we used the night before. I gently sucked, licking up his sides, sucking on the tip. This woke Ivory up.
    “Ohhhh fuck baby.” He moaned, moving the covers off me.
    I twirled my tongue around his tip, feeding all his inches into my mouth. I sucked and spit, stroking him with my hands as his body started twitching.
    “Good morning.” I said looking up.
    He smiled and pulled me up, slipping his tongue in my mouth.
    “Waking me up to head? Now that I have never had.”
    I smiled.
    “Good, make sure you will remember me.” I said coyly.
    He moved us over, him on top of me, my legs spreading open as he slid his dick inside my throbbing pussy.
    We managed to kick the covers off as he bent down and kissed me, his body still easing in and out of me.
    “Oh fuck, this feels so good.” I said.
    Ivory smiled as he buried his head in my neck, his tongue licking a trail before he whispered in my ear.
    “This is mine.”
    I moaned as he grabbed my neck, turning my head to look at him.
    “This. Is. Mine.” He said thrusting in me.
    I nodded.
    “It’s yours.” I whispered in his ear.
    “Where do you want me to cum?” he asked.
    I opened my eyes and looked at him.
    “Wherever you want.” I said, bringing his lips to mine.
    He fucked me harder as we kissed, my legs wrapped around his waist.
    “Cum in me.”
    Hearing those words finished him. He gave me three more thrusts and then exploded deep inside me.
    “Oh fuck.” I said, my arms wrapped around his neck, both of us breathing hard.
    “Don’t move.” I begged.
    He smiled and collapsed on top of me.
    “What the fuck are you doing to me?” Ivory asked rolling over.

    We walked into the law firm and were greeted by Greg and of course, Natasha. I was disappointed to find her in a red dress, ample cleavage out.
    “So good to see you.” She smiled, shaking Ivory’s hand and then moving over to me.
    “Good morning.” I said.
    “Can we get you some water or coffee?” Greg asked.
    “No thank you, we better get started.” Ivory said.

    I sat in the conference room looking over files and typing up some memos when Ivory and Greg walked in.
    “We have a settlement!” Ivory announced.
    “How much?”
    “38.9 million”
    “Very good, congratulations.” I smiled as Greg patted him on the back.
    “We have to celebrate.” Natasha said.
    “How’s it going?” Ivory asked me.
    “Good, I am reviewing these documents and scanning what we will need.”
    “Now that the case is settled, you should let me take you out and show you around.” Natasha said to Ivory.
    He smiled politely at her and looked over at me.
    “I need to finish up this paperwork and get it all scanned back to Atlanta.” I announced.
    “Greg, do you want to tag along?” Ivory asked.
    “No, I have a zoom meeting I need to be on. You two go ahead and go and enjoy yourselves.” He said, not looking up from his phone.
    “I guess it’s just you and me.” Natasha smiled.
    “Give me just one moment and let me confirm something with Ebony.”

    He walked back into the conference room and closed the door. I looked up from my laptop and stopped typing as he walked over. He grabbed a chair and moved close to me.
    “Be honest, will you have a problem with this?” he whispered.
    “With what?”
    We looked at each other.
    “Ivory, you are free to do whatever you want…”
    “No, don’t start that, I will gladly get out of lunch, or this tour guide shit she is planning. I am asking you if this will be a problem.”
    “No, it won’t be a problem. Look, you are single and free to do whatever or whoever you want. I am just a subordinate working with you on a case. Go, have fun. I will see you back at the hotel.” I said.
    He continued to look at me.
    “That’s not how I see you.” He said.
    I sighed.
    “That’s the reality of the situation. We both know that.”
    I went back to typing up a letter when Natasha popped her head in the room.
    “Everything all good?”
    I looked at her and smiled.
    “Yeah, I am just finishing up some things here.” I said.
    “You should come with us Ebony.” Ivory said as he stood.
    I looked over at Natasha who frowned just a little.
    “No, I need to get all of this finished up, you two go and I will just see you back at the hotel, whenever you get back.”
    “Come on mister, you heard the woman, you’re all mine.” Natasha smiled.
    Ivory walked out with her, and they disappeared around the corner as I went back to typing on my computer.

    Of course, I didn’t want him to go. But what was I going to say? I knew whatever we were doing was only temporary until we returned to Atlanta. Ivory Bulloch was never going to date me, he damn sure was not going to marry me. He wasn’t ever going to see me as anything more than a weeklong tryst. Granted, it was fun, and I enjoyed every moment, I wasn’t naïve. Guys like him don’t show up at the country club with women like me. And despite what Ivory thought, he was definitely the ‘country club’ type. The part that got me a little sad was that before this sexcapade, Ivory and I were friends. Or at least, I thought of him as friend.

    After I left the firm, I grabbed an Uber to a nearby shopping outlet called Paseo Nuevo. I decided to treat myself a mini shopping spree since I had time to kill. I walked inside the bungalow and found it was empty. Ivory was still out with Natasha, and I decided that I was not going to ask any questions nor was I going to catch an attitude while they were out doing God only knows what. I drew up a bubble bath in the enormous tub and grabbed a bottle of wine from the mini bar. I lit some candles, wrapped my hair in a messy bun and climbed into the tub. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.

    Thirty minutes later.

    “Well, hello there.” Ivory said walking into the bathroom.
    I looked up at him.
    “You were really knocked out, huh?”
    “Yea, I guess so.”
    The hot water was now a mild lukewarm and I was confident I had soaked all my stress out of me.
    “Can you pass me that towel?”
    He grabbed a large white towel and handed it to me.
    “What time is it?” I asked stepping out of the tub.
    “Almost six. Did you eat?”
    “No, I was going to order room service, once I was done but I guess that wine got to me.”
    “So, you haven’t eaten all day?”
    I walked into the bedroom and grabbed the lotion.
    “Did you have good time?” I asked, cursing myself under my breath for even asking.
    Ivory ignored me as he opened the patio doors.
    “Let me order some dinner and we can eat outside, you up for that?”
    I looked at him.
    “Sure.” I said half-heartedly and grabbing my robe.
    He sighed and walked up to me.
    “Do you really want to know if I enjoyed myself?”
    “Only if you want to tell me.”
    He shrugged.
    “Did you fuck her? That’s all I’m asking.”
    “Hell no. Although I am sure she would have. The woman acted like we were a couple, tried to hold my hand at one point.”
    I chuckled.
    “Did she… taste you?” I asked.
    His eyes got big.
    “Nothing rated R happened Ebony. I’m not that easy.”
    I cracked up laughing.
    “I can’t tell.” I told him.
    “No ma’am, I’m a big flirt but I’m very picky with who I sleep with.”
    “So, I got lucky?” I asked as he picked up the menu.
    “I kind of knew you wanted me.”
    “Did you? Well, I damn sure didn’t think that you wanted me.”
    “Since the day I shook your hand, but I have a firm policy on colleagues.”
    He paused and looked over at me.
    “HAD a firm policy on colleagues.”
    “What was the policy?” I asked, crossing my arms.
    “Never get involved with a coworker. That can cost you your career.”
    “You think I would cost you your career?” I asked.
    “I would hope not, but I have seen it happen, and so have you. I mean, we both have talked about this before, it’s just that this trip presented an opportunity and neither of us wanted to pass it up. I don’t regret any of it though.” He explained.
    I walked by him, and he caught me by the arm, spinning me around so I was facing him.
    ‘I don’t regret ANY of this.” He said kissing my forehead.
    “Room service will be here in about thirty to forty minutes. I’m going to hop in the shower.”

    I sat outside, looking at my phone when Ivory walked out, wearing his slides.
    “You asked if I enjoyed myself earlier.” He said drinking his beer.
    “Yeah, did you?”
    “Honestly? No, I mean, the whole time I was with her, I was thinking about you and what you were doing. Natasha isn’t a bad person; she just isn’t who I want.”
    “Yeah, but do you know what you even want?”
    He sighed.
    “I do.”
    “And what do you want?”
    He leaned in.
    “Right now? I want this beautiful woman in front of me to open this bulky ass robe and climb on my lap.”
    I shook my head.
    He moved his hand on my thigh, slowly moving it up, inside the robe.
    “Hmm?” the sound he made like a kid who knew he was doing something wrong.
    His hand moved up my inner thigh, opening my legs and getting off the couch onto the outdoor rug.
    “Don’t what?”
    He got on his knees, in between my legs and pushed them open.
    “I want an appetizer.” He said as he kissed up my thighs.
    He pulled me towards the edge of the couch as he untied my robe and pulled it open.
    He kissed my right breast, licking the nipple, then moved over to the left and repeated the motion. I didn’t really go out to the patio with sex on my mind, but I could not resist Ivory’s mouth. He kissed down my stomach as he pushed my legs open, lifting my left leg onto his shoulder as he pushed his head into my pussy. I felt the cold tip of his tongue on my clit, and it made me jump. I moaned as he licked all around my clit, kissing and sucking it. I laid my head on the back of the couch, staring at the Santa Barbara sky. It was dusk and literally, I felt high as a kite. I rubbed Ivory’s head as he licked my pussy, my juices dripping on his tongue. He gripped my waist tight, not giving me any wiggle room to move around. He forced me to sit there and take the tongue lashing that he was giving me. I kept rubbing his head, gently pulling his hair as I felt an orgasm growing in me.
    “Oh shit.” I moaned.
    I was enjoying Ivory eating my pussy so much that I didn’t hear the knock on the door, I didn’t hear the doorbell. I certainly didn’t hear the front door open, and the room service attendant enter our bungalow.
    “Don’t stop baby.” I said as now my right leg was on the other shoulder. My robe was completely open, my nipples erect against the cool California breeze. I couldn’t believe how great Ivory was eating my pussy. He did it like my orgasm was the most important thing to him.
    “Right there.” I said moving my hips in a circular motion, allowing his tongue to hit all my spots.
    I came so hard, right there on that back patio couch.

    When I opened my eyes, it took me a minute to regain my composure.
    “Come here.” I said pulling Ivory up to me.
    He slipped his tongue in my mouth. Tasting my pussy on his tongue with a mixture of the beer was intoxicating.
    ‘That was so good.” I said licking around his mouth.
    “So, you like tasting yourself?” he asked.
    “Yeah, on you.” I told him as something caught my left eye.
    We both looked at the same time and saw the two room service attendants standing there, eyes and mouth wide open. The taller one had his hand on his dick, the shorter one was in complete shock. It was like he had never seen a scene like this before in real life. I jumped up and quickly closed my robe.
    “WHAT THE FUCK,” I yelled.
    “I…I…I am so sorry.” The taller one stuttered.
    “How long have you been there?” I yelled.
    “Not long ma’am, we are so sorry, we knocked and rang the doorbell. We…we… came in to deliver…the food.”
    Ivory ran his hand through his hair.
    “Ok, did you deliver it all?’ he asked.
    “Yes…yes sir.”
    “Ok, then it looks like you are done.”
    “Yes…yes sir…we are so…sorry.”
    Ivory walked them out and I stood on the patio.
    “It’s ok Ebony, don’t freak out.”
    “Don’t freak out? They didn’t see you naked.” I snapped.
    “I don’t think they were there for long.”
    “My eyes were closed, and my head was laying back on the couch.”
    “Still, I don’t think they really saw anything.”
    I knew he was lying, and he knew I knew he was lying. But I just came so hard in his mouth that at that moment, if Ivory said the Earth was flat, I would have sighed and said “ok.”
    “Let’s eat.” He said putting his arm around me and leading me away.

    The next morning, I awoke to a strange sensation growing in my pussy. I heard myself moan, unsure if I was dreaming or if this was real. I couldn’t figure out what it was, but I felt something running down my leg, I jolted awake, sitting up slightly on the bed. It was Ivory. I looked under the covers to find him in between my legs, licking my pussy.
    “Good morning.” He said pulling the cover from over his head.
    “Hi.” I said a little out of breath.
    He gave me an evil smile and went back to eating my pussy. He lifted my leg on his shoulder as he drove his tongue in and out of my pussy hole, my juices dripping out on to his tongue. I was delirious with both sleepiness and excitement.
    “Oh baby.” I whined, pulling the sheets as his tongue darted over my clit.
    “Come here.” I said as he lifted his head up.
    I pulled him up, brought his mouth to mine. I slipped my tongue in his mouth, while kicking the covers off of us. I could taste my pussy on his tongue as he slipped two fingers inside me.
    I moaned as kissed me and fingered me.
    “Put it in.” I said between kisses.
    He took his dripping fingers out and slid his hard dick inside me. I gasped as he pushed deep in me.
    “Good morning.” I said as he started thrusting in and out of me.
    “Oh fuck…. Good morning.” he replied.
    I watched his eyes go to the back of his head, his mouth gaping open as he pushed in and out of me .
    “Shit, don’t stop baby.” I said in his ear as I grabbed and squeezed his ass. I kissed and licked his neck, something I had learned was his guilty pleasure. My mouth was right by his ear as I moaned his name. he fucked me mercilessly and I loved it. I had never been awoken to getting my pussy licked, let alone early morning sex.
    “Shit, I’m about to cum.” He said, both of us looking down and watching his dick go in and out of my pussy. It was the sexiest thing I had ever watched.
    “Where do you want to cum?” I asked.
    “In your mouth.” He said through gritted teeth.
    “Ok.” I said as he slid out of me and rolled on his back.
    I moved quickly, putting his dick in my mouth and started sucking. He ran his hand through my hair, his moaning getting louder as I gagged on his dick.
    “Fuck.” He said in a low growl.
    I knew he was close. I sucked harder, moving my head faster, releasing my hands and only using my mouth. I cupped his balls in my left hand as I felt him jerk in the bed. And with the final jerk, I felt the hot cum shoot in my mouth.
    “Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit.” He said out of breath.
    I sucked and twirled my tongue around the tip, making sure to suck the last of his early morning cum. I looked at him, his cum still in my mouth and I straddled him, bringing my mouth to his. I slid my cum drenched tongue into his mouth, giving him a taste of his own cum, while kissing him. I expected him to turn away, but he didn’t. Instead, he gripped my head and kept it in place as I dripped his cum from my mouth into his. Some of it dripped out of his mouth, falling down his chin, I bent down and licked it up before swallowing the remaining cum.
    “You like that?” I asked, still straddling him.
    “Hell yea.”
    He rubbed my ass with both hands as my breasts smothered his face.
    “Don’t move.” He said.
    I nodded and sat up, letting Ivory get a full view of my body.
    “Are you ok?”
    “I’m perfect.” He responded.
    “Do you trust me?” he asked.
    I cocked my head to the side.
    “I just swallowed your nut.”
    He chuckled.
    “I wanna try anal with you.”
    “Come on, let’s try it, we will get the lube or whatever, but I want to try it with you.”
    “Because I want to be able to fuck all of your holes.” He said.
    I ran my hand through my hair.
    “Someday, but I am not ready for that.”
    “Come on, what will it take it?”
    I laughed.
    “Me being on top of the world, about six drinks in my system and a sexy ass music playlist.”
    “On top of the world?”
    “Yeah, one of those hotels with the gorgeous views that make you feel like you are on top of the world.”
    “So if I take you to some high rise hotel…”
    “Don’t forget the drinks.” I interrupted.
    “That’s all it will take for me to get this ass?” he asked slapping my ass cheek.
    I nodded.
    “What hotel?” he asked.
    I laughed as his hands still ran up and down my naked body. He stopped and licked my nipples, gently biting them.
    “Which hotel?” he asked.
    “Really Ivory?” I asked.
    “Yes really, tell me.”
    I sighed and ran my hands down his chest.
    “There’s this hotel in Dubai called ‘The Gevora Hotel’, it’s the highest hotel in the world, as of now.” I told him.
    “Dubai, huh?” he repeated.
    “Yes, it literally has rooms that are so high, you are in the clouds.”
    His hands cupped my breasts, as I pulled his left hand up, and licked his index finger.
    “Ok.” He said after a pregnant pause.
    His cell phone rung, making us both jump.
    “Shit, it’s Bill.” He said sitting up as I got off him.
    “Hey Bill, good morning.” Ivory said walking out of the bedroom.
    I collapsed on the bed, staring at the ceiling.

    Twenty minutes later, Ivory came walking back in as I was on my phone checking emails.
    “Good news and bad news.” Ivory announced.
    I stared at his dick, then looked into his eyes.
    “Bad news first.”
    “Bill knows about the settlement and expects us back in the office tomorrow.”
    “Tomorrow?” I asked, my eyes getting big.
    “What is the good news?”
    “We don’t need to leave until this afternoon, plenty of time to pack up and get ready.” He said laying on the bed next to me.
    My heart sank. I wasn’t ready to go back to the real world. The world where this man wasn’t in my bed, wasn’t kissing me and wasn’t fucking me. I didn’t want to go back to that world.
    I was quiet as I got out the bed, got in the shower and started packing my things. Ivory walked behind me and slid his arms around my waist, moving my hair off my neck.
    “It’s ok, we knew we would have to go back home eventually.” He whispered in my ear.
    “I know.” I said softly as I folded a shirt.
    “We will figure something out, I promise, ok?”
    I remained quiet, for a moment, I felt the sting of a tear welling up in my eye. I simply nodded my head and finished putting the shirts in my bag.
    “I got us on the five-thirty flight.”
    “Ok, no problem.” I said with a half-hearted smile.

    The next day, I walked into my office and quickly closed the door, I hadn’t slept at all once we got back to Atlanta. Our flight was delayed, and by the time I got home, I showered, unpacked, and tossed and turned all night. Ivory was heavy on my mind. We thought it would be best for him to go home since we were expected to be back in professional business attire while in the office. I sat in the chair, turning my chair to stare out the window, looking over downtown Atlanta. My plan was to avoid Ivory, I had to. Just thinking about him literally made my pussy weak and wet. I was already taking a chance by wearing a dress with black heels and no panties. Not wearing panties was nothing new for me, I did it often, let my pussy breathe whenever possible.
    “Welcome back.” Marjorie said coming in my office.
    I smiled.
    “Has Bill made it in yet?”
    “No, not yet.”
    “Just wondering if we are still doing the staff meeting.”
    “We are, we just finished getting everything into the conference room.”
    I nodded and responded to an email.

    I sat in the conference room across from Ivory, not making any eye contact as Bill gave him accolades for the large settlement, he was able to obtain.
    “It wasn’t all me, Ebony was a huge help in getting that settlement.” Ivory announced.
    I smiled as everyone gave me a round of applause.
    “We have some other clients that I am hoping to negotiate settlements on, and I know Ms. Jones will definitely be on hand to get the job done.” Ivory said.
    I smiled.
    “Great job both of you, really, that was good work.” Bill said.

    I stood at the copier, making copies of legal documents when Ivory walked up.
    “Good morning.”
    “Good morning.” I said without looking up.
    “Did you get any sleep after that long flight?”
    “Not really, how about you?”
    “I was tossing and turning all night.”
    “Me too.” I said softly.
    “You look nice today.” He said, just above a whisper.
    I looked around, no one was near us.
    “Thank you.”
    He moved closer.
    “What color are they?”
    “They what?”
    “Your panties.” He said.
    I looked at him, then his mouth. Oh, that mouth…. I wanted to kiss him right then and there.
    “I’m not wearing any.” I said, grabbing my copies and walking off.

    I sat in my office, across from the conference room, where I could see the senior partners all meeting with Ivory and another associate. Ivory looked bored, or maybe it was wishful thinking. We made eye contact and I quickly looked away.
    ‘I can still taste you.’ He texted me.
    ‘LOL’ I replied.
    ‘How’s your dick?’ I asked.
    ‘I think I still have one.’
    ‘You think so?’
    “Does it need to be in you?’ he asked.
    ‘Yep, both holes though.’
    ‘All 3?’ he asked.
    ‘2 of the 3, I told you my deal about the third hole.’
    ‘But you can only choose 2.’
    ‘Any 2?’
    ‘Any 2? Are you counting my ears or something?’
    ‘ No’
    ‘Then there’s only 3 possibilities, you have only earned 2 holes…. As of now.’ I said.
    ‘I want you to ride me again, like you did on the beach.’
    ‘We are at work, and you made it clear you want us to go back to just co-workers.’ I wrote.
    ‘I know, but I’m looking at you and I remember how your pussy tastes and I know how you sound when you cum, and I know how tight and wet your pussy gets around my dick.’ He wrote.

    I had to turn my phone over and ignored him for a moment. Reading that made my pussy tingle.
    I looked up and saw Ivory staring at me, his index finger pointing down at the phone. I shook my head. I didn’t want to read anymore. He squinted his eyes and pointed again.
    “Look at the phone.” He mouthed.
    I sighed and turned the phone over.

    ‘Open your legs.’ He texted.
    ‘Open your fucking legs so I can see MY pussy.’

    I looked up, he was the only one facing my office. Thanks to floor to ceiling glass, I have very little privacy, unless I turned the office to ‘opaque’. I cleared my throat and sat back in my office chair.
    “Open” he mouthed.
    I opened my legs slightly.
    “More” he mouthed.
    I opened a little more.
    “More” he mouthed again, I could see something burning in his eyes.
    I spread my legs wide open under my desk. He was still the only one facing me, and no one was walking in the hallway. If they did, well… they would have gotten a full show.
    I licked my fingers and pulled my dress up. There was no denying what was happening. If any of those men so much as turned around, they would have seen my full Brazilian waxed pussy on full display.
    I stuck my two fingers into my pussy, took them out and put them in my mouth. Ivory stared at me, licking his lips.
    “Fuck me.” I mouthed.
    He nodded and pointed at the phone.

    ‘Tonight.’ He wrote.
    ‘No, I will let you know.’ I replied.

    I turned my phone over, pulled my dress down, turned my office windows to ‘opaque’ and went back to work. It was my turn to leave Ivory hanging.

    “Goodnight Marjorie.” I called out as I walked to the elevators.
    “Oh goodnight Ebony.” Was her usual happy go lucky response.
    The light in Ivory’s office was still on, which meant he was still working.
    I bit my lip, looking at Marjorie’s office and then back to Ivory’s office. I walked over to Ivory’s office door and knocked on it.
    “Come in.” he said.
    I opened the door and walked in, leaving it slightly ajar.
    “I saw your light was still on, just wanted to check in before I head home.” I said.
    He looked at me.
    “Come in, close the door.”
    “Marjorie is still here.” I said loud enough for her to hear me.
    “No problem, I just need to go over this case with you really quick before I submit this offer.” He said, his voice a little louder.
    I stepped in and shut the door behind me.
    “Ivory” I began.
    He walked over to me and took my right hand. He placed it on his semi- erect dick, and I gasped a little.
    “Do you see what you did to me?” he whispered.
    I started rubbing it through his pants, feeling it grow in my hands.
    “You literally sat across from me and played with your pussy, for my viewing pleasure only and you don’t think that did something to me?” He said.
    I opened my mouth to say something, but he leaned in to kiss me.
    “Your windows aren’t opaque.” I whispered.
    Luckily we were up against the door and not directly in front of the floor to ceiling windows.
    “I want to fuck you so bad.” He said, I could hear the frustration in his voice.
    “We can’t.” I said.
    He kissed me, my hand still on his dick. At this point, it was hard, and I could feel it throbbing.
    “Fuck.” He said backing away from me.
    “We agreed.” I said, trying to have some self-control.
    “You’re right, we did.” He said backing away from me.
    I hit the button and turned his windows opaque.
    “One second.” I said opening the door.
    I walked past Marjorie’s office and headed into my own.
    “Decided not to go home?” she asked.
    “No, Ivory needs some last-minute edits on a settlement for the McKenzie case.” I said not looking up and digging in my file cabinet.
    I walked out and back to Ivory’s office, he stood by his chair, looking down at his phone.
    “Here is the file you needed.” I announced, closing the door behind me.
    Ivory walked over to me, slipping his tongue in my mouth.
    “I can’t stay too long; Marjorie is still working, and I think Bill might still be here.” I said in his ear.
    “Then I suggest you be quiet.” He said lifting my skirt up.
    Before I could even react, he slid two fingers inside my sloppy wet pussy. I gasped.
    “Oh fuck.” He said looking down.
    His fingers were dripping with my pussy juices. Both of us were surprised at the amount of lubrication that was on his fingers.
    I kissed him and undid his belt buckle, unbuttoned, and unzipped his pants, pushing them down. He helped me by taking his briefs down, his dick sprung up, fully hard.
    He pulled me over to the couch that was up against his office wall, he sat down, his dick standing at attention.
    “Sit on it.” He commanded.
    I hiked my dress up and straddled his lap. He positioned his dick at my pussy entrance just as I let him enter me, slowly. We both gasped at the sensation. I loved how his dick filled my pussy up, my muscles contracting all around his dick. I yanked his dress shirt open, buttons popping off and on to the floor. I braced my hands on his chest, his white wife beater getting stretched by my hands as I started grinding on his dick. He pulled my dress over my head, exposing my black lace padded bra. He pushed the bra up and started licking my nipples. I went from grinding to bouncing on his dick, my pussy was making a squirting sound on his dick.
    “Fuck baby.” he whispered.
    “Oh shit.” I said as he gently pulled my hair, causing my head to snap back, my neck exposed for his licking pleasure.
    “Don’t stop Ivory.” I begged.
    “I’m so close.” He said.
    I nodded and leaned down to kiss him.
    “I’m about to cum.” He announced.
    “Look at me when you cum.” I told him.
    We locked eyes as I bounced three more times before I felt him jerk underneath me, releasing his hot load of cum into me.
    “Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck.” He said out of breath, his eyes still locked on mine as I licked his lips.
    “Do you think anyone heard us?” I asked.
    “No, you were pretty quiet, and I don’t think I was loud.”
    “What the fuck is wrong with us? We can never do this again, not at work. We know better.” I whispered, adjusting my dress.
    “I know, you’re right, we do know better than to fuck each other at work.” He said.
    I stood up against the wall, running my hands through my hair.
    He walked over to me.
    “My dick is still throbbing.” He said.
    “My pussy is still pulsating.” I whispered.
    “We will be fine, this was just a one time thing, we won’t do the work thing anymore. And as far as anyone knows, we were working on a case.” He said spraying air freshener in the office.
    “So, if asked, are we denying this ever happened?” I asked.
    “I will.” I assured him before opening the door to see Marjorie standing there, appearing with her hand up as if she was about to knock.
    “Oh…hey….” I said.
    “Hi…I was just… letting you both know I was leaving…” she said looking into the office.
    “Ok, have a good night.” Ivory said as he walked to his office chair.
    “Good… goodnight.” She smiled, looking at the office again.
    I turned to give him a “Oh my God” look before I walked out.

    A week later, I found myself in Bill’s office with the head of our Human Resources, Karen Hearst. Ivory sat in the chair next to me and another senior partner, Hank sat on the other side of him.
    “Ivory, Ebony, we brought you in here because of an allegation that was brought up that you two engaged in an inappropriate relationship.” Bill began.
    “What?” Ivory asked.
    I sat there quietly; hands folded in my lap.
    “As you know, we have a zero-tolerance policy for any fraternization between supervisors and subordinates. So, if this is true…”
    “It’s absolutely NOT true.” Ivory interjected.
    Karen looked at Ivory and smiled, then over to me.
    “I say this respectfully, but I would never get involved with someone I work with, let alone someone I am technically the boss of.” Ivory said.
    “Yeah, I wouldn’t do that either, I don’t know what the accusation is, but certainly, the only relationship we have had has been professional.” I added.
    “We work well together, Ebony is by far our best paralegal, but nothing inappropriate has gone on.” Ivory said.
    Bill sat back in his chair, taking a long pregnant pause.
    “Ebony, would you excuse us for a moment? Karen, I would like to speak with Hank and Ivory for a moment.” Bill said.
    “Absolutely.” Karen and I said.
    I walked out of the office, closed the door and immediately went into my office. What no one knew was that a year ago, I had secretly planted a recording device in Bill’s office. This is why I was so good at my job, eavesdropping. I quickly pulled out my phone and opened the software that would allow me to hear what was being said.
    “Do you understand how bad this looks if it’s true?” Bill asked.
    “Bill, you know me.”
    “Yes, I do… you can be…. well, a ladies’ man.” I heard Bill say.
    Ivory chuckled.
    “Nevertheless, I would never touch her. She is a great worker, don’t get me wrong. But I am not really into dark meat.” Ivory said.
    “Ivory, you have a bright future here, we all know it. But apparently you two were heard in your office.” Hank said.
    “No, nothing ever happened with Ebony and I. I don’t know what the accuser thinks they heard, but I know that every time Ebony has been in my office, it has always been professional.”
    I heard Bill sigh.
    “What is this about? I don’t think you brought both of us in here over some elementary school rumor.” Ivory said.
    “It’s about appearances.”
    “Ivory…don’t make me say it.”
    “Say what?”
    “This doesn’t look good for us, for a number of reasons.” Hank said softly.
    “There is nothing going on with Ebony Jones and I.” he argued.
    Hank sighed loudly.
    “Ivory, you two were recorded. Marjorie stood outside your office and recorded the sound. There is no doubt, something went on. Now, I am not asking you what happened, but don’t lie to us, we cannot protect you if you lie to us.” Hank said.
    “You better end it now.” Bill said.
    Everyone was quiet.
    “The last thing we want is for one of our brightest, soon to be senior partner to be in a scandal with an overweight, black woman.” Hank said.
    My mouth dropped open when I heard the recording.
    “Wow.” Ivory said.
    “Look, we both know I am telling the truth, I get it, she’s pretty and my God, those breasts… but she cannot be the reason this firm gets a reputation. Think about your career, your friends and family.”
    “I have the mind to let her go.” Bill said.
    I sat at my desk, looked around my office and waited. Would he defend me, or would he join the country club of white men? I didn’t realize I was holding my breath until I heard Ivory speak.
    “Let her go?” Ivory asked.
    “Yes, because I can’t afford for this firm to have this kind of problem and the easiest way to handle it, would be to get rid of the problem before it becomes a bigger problem. Technically, I should fire you, because you know our policy and yet, you clearly fucked her in your office when someone else was here to record it.” Bill said.
    “If you’re going to have some sort of jungle fever fun, it needs to be on your own time and for God’s sake, not with someone that works here.”
    Then there was silence.
    “Ok” Ivory said.
    “Ok?” Bill asked.
    “Give her six months’ severance, continue her health insurance for a year. It’s the least we can do.” Ivory said.
    I sat in my office, hearing this, tears welling up, threatening to come out.
    “Who is going to tell her?”
    “Karen will, she will do it once all the paperwork is typed up.” Bill said.
    “Why don’t you take the rest of the week and work from home, you shouldn’t be here when she finds out.” Bill suggested.
    “Ok.” Ivory said.
    “And Ivory?” Hank called out.
    “It goes without saying but, don’t fuck in your office on the couch again.” Hank said,
    I heard the office door close, and I quickly put my phone in my purse, turned my computer off and left for the day.

    Three days later, I sat in Karen’s office on the fourth floor. I knew what was coming. I had already come into the office after hours and packed my office, locking it every night that I left, so no one would see my shame. I hadn’t heard from Ivory; he didn’t text nor call me. I didn’t even bother to reach out to him. I didn’t feel betrayed, I felt stupid. I thought at the core, Ivory and I were friends. At least the type that wouldn’t throw the other under the bus, but I was wrong. He liked fucking and sucking me, as long as no one knew. But once he was found out, I should’ve known he would immediately turn his back on me. At the end of the day, he is still a white man, and I am still a black woman.
    “We are giving you a one year’s severance package, along with the same health insurance.” Karen announced.
    I nodded and read over the paperwork.
    “So I am being fired for misconduct?” I asked.
    She nodded.
    “But Ivory is keeping his job?”
    She cleared her throat.
    “Wow. So that is how you all are playing this.” I said closing the folder.
    “This was very generous of Bill.” Karen said softly.
    “Generous? I am being terminated, a black woman, for allegedly having a romantic relationship with a white colleague, who coincidentally isn’t being terminated, and you think this is generous?” I asked.
    She was clearly uncomfortable.
    “Ebony.” She began.
    “Don’t, we both know what this is.” I said taking out an ink pen.
    “Sign here.” She said.
    I signed all the paperwork and handed my badge and credentials over to her.
    “Thank you for doing this at the end of the day at least.” I said softly.
    She nodded.
    “Are you going to be, ok?”
    “Oh I am going to be just fine, because you and I both know this is discrimination at its finest. So when my attorney calls, go ahead and get ready.” I said taking the folder and putting it in my purse.
    I stood up, put my sunglasses on, grabbed my purse and walked out. I was officially unemployed.

    I walked out to the parking garage and towards my car.
    “Ebony.” I heard.
    I turned around and saw Ivory walking up. He was in gray sweatpants, a blue Under Armor t-shirt and some sneakers. I looked at him up and down. There was a time when my pussy would absolutely get soaking wet seeing him in an Under Armor shirt.
    “I am sorry.” He said.
    “For what?”
    “I just heard.” He said motioning back towards the building.
    “Heard what?”
    “They let you go.” He said softly.
    “Oh, you just heard it?” I asked.
    He nodded, started scratching the back of his head. A tell-tell that he was lying.
    “When did you hear it exactly? Today, or last week when Bill and Hank told you they were going to fire me instead of firing you and you told them to give me six months of severance?”
    His eyes grew big.
    “I always knew you were the protected one, that didn’t surprise me. But I didn’t think you would throw me under the bus to save yourself… I should’ve known though, at the end of the day, you are white man who has white man privileges.”
    “Ebony….” He began.
    I moved closer to him.
    “Ebony…” he began.
    “Hear me when I say this because I mean every single word. You may be an amazing attorney, one of the best, but you decided to save yourself at my expense and betray me. So lawyer up baby, I am coming for everything.”
    He opened his mouth to say something, but I held my hand up to stop him.
    “You tell Bill, Hank, Tom, Dick and Harry, I will see you all in fucking court and I have all the receipts.” I said lowly, putting emphasis on every word. I turned and walked away, getting in my car as my cell phone rung, Ivory’s name showing up on the screen. I declined the call, went into my contacts, blocked his number, and deleted all traces of him out of my phone. Then I drove off.
    I was done.

    To be continued….
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  2. Jon59

    Jon59 Sex Machine

    Feb 23, 2020
    Wow. Great story
  3. Diana D.

    Diana D. Porn Star

    Dec 5, 2018
    Fantastic I love it!
    • Like Like x 2
  4. Mjr100

    Mjr100 Porn Star

    May 26, 2018
    Lovely story
  5. SloSexLover1957

    SloSexLover1957 Amateur

    Aug 6, 2021
    That was a great read, the best I've read here so far! Part 2 please!!